Mbarara Coverage

Mast Located @ Nkokonjeru

Beharwe Town, on Kampala Road at Rwenjeru Primary School Very Poor Reception, don't encourage sale!
Beharwe Town, on Kampala Road at PetroCity Sell, with caution, might not work in some areas.
Beharwe Town, on Kampala Road at Beharwe Farmers Co-operation Savings Very Poor Reception, don't encourage sale!
Beharwe Town, on Kampala Road at Town Market Sell! Excellent Reception .
Koranorya Village/Kakira,on Kampala Road at Shell Filling Station Sell! Excellent Reception .
City Centre-Makeke, on Kampala Road at Entrance to Makeke Military Barracks Sell! Excellent Reception .
City Centre-Lubili Cell, on Kampala Road at Coca Cola Factory Turn-off Sell! Excellent Reception .
City Centre-Forestry, on Kampala Road at New Mbarara Service Station Sell! Excellent Reception .
City Centre-Kubiri, on Kampala Road at Hass & Global Filling Station Sell! Excellent Reception .
City Centre- Mayembe Gwentwe, at Round-about Sell! Excellent Reception .
City Centre-Posta, on Ntare Road at Stanbic Bank Sell! Excellent Reception .
City Centre-Ntare, on Ntare Road at Ntare School Entrance Sell! Excellent Reception .
City Centre-Nkokonjeru at New Kanyansi Cool Club Sell! Excellent Reception .
City Centre-Survey, on Kyamugorani Road in Ditch at Police Station Sell! Excellent Reception .
City Centre-Kyamugorani, on Junction Kyamugorani & Ntare Road at Community Hosp Sell! Excellent Reception .
Wakanyakole Village/Kakika, on Rubaya Road in Ditch  Sell! Excellent Reception .
Rubaya Village, at Entrance to Rubaya Health Centre III Very Poor Reception, don't encourage sale!
Kakunkulu Cell, in village centre Very Poor Reception, don't encourage sale!
Kubiri Biharwe Village,  in village centre Very Poor Reception, don't encourage sale!
City Centre-Andrew's Area, at Mbarara Business & Technology College Sell! Excellent Reception .
City Centre-Kyamugorani, at Entrance to Uganda Government Prison Sell! Excellent Reception .
City Centre-Nicotra Area, at Ntare Road Junction Sell! Excellent Reception .
City Centre-Nkokonjeru, on Ruhare Road at Junction to Jerusalem Revival Church Sell! Excellent Reception .
City Centre-Mbaguta Cell, on Nkokonjeru Road at Musmush Health Line Medical Cntr Sell! Excellent Reception .
City Centre-Ruharo, on Bushengi Road at Junction close to Embassy Hotel Sell! Excellent Reception .
City Centre-Kukyipiira, at JunctionBushengi & Ntare Road close to Total Filling Station Sell! Excellent Reception .
City Centre-Kamukuzi, on Ntare Road at Ben's Shop Wholesale & Retail Sell! Excellent Reception .
City Centre-Nkokonjeru, in township at new housing development Sell! Excellent Reception .
City Centre-Kakyeka Stadium, on Kakyeka Road at Entrance to Stadium Sell! Excellent Reception .
City Centre-Boma, at new multi storey apartments Sell! Excellent Reception .
City Centre-Mbarara Hospital Area, on Kabale Road at Mbarara University & Hospital Sell! Excellent Reception .
City Centre-Kabale & Kasese Road Junction at PetroCity Filling Station Sell! Excellent Reception .
City Centre-Nyamitanga, Corner Nyamitanga & Kabale Road Sell! Excellent Reception .
Nsiikye Village, on Nyamitanga Road at C O U Sell! Excellent Reception .
Nsiikye Village, on Nyamitanga Road in Ditch past Nyamitanga Resort Hotel Sell, with caution, might not work in some areas.
Nyamitanga Village, on Haji Asuman Metoru Road at Getrude Memorial School Sell! Excellent Reception .
Kitebero Village, in Ditch at Bright Angels School Sell! Excellent Reception .
Kotete Village, on Junction at St. Mary's Primary School Sell! Excellent Reception .
Kasanyalazi Area, on Junction at Pool Tables Sell! Excellent Reception .
Karugangama Cell, in Katete Ward Sell! Excellent Reception .
Kasenyi Village, on Isingiro Road at Boda Boda Stage Sell! Excellent Reception .
Mile Nya Village, on Isingiro Road at centre of village Sell! Excellent Reception .
Kaberebene Centre, on Isingino Road at Uganda Police & PetroCity Sell! Excellent Reception .
Kaberebene Centre, on Isingiro Road at Back-end of centre Sell! Very Good Reception Area.
Mile Kuminabiri Village, on Isingiro Road at Bikama Development Association Offices Sell! Very Good Reception Area.
Kyerirumba Centre/Mile Kuminatano, on Isingiro Road at Kyerirumba Moslem School Sell! Excellent Reception .
Kyerirumba Centre, on Isingiro Road at Trinity Secondary School Corner Sell! Excellent Reception .
Kabingo Area, on Isingiro Road at Post Office Very Poor Reception, don't encourage sale!
Isingiro Town, on Main Road at dfcu Bank  Test with Gotenna for signal before sell. 
Isingiro Town, on Main Road at Centenary Bank Very Poor Reception, don't encourage sale!
City Centre-Nsiikye, on Isingiro Road at Joline Stars Nursery & Day Care Centre Sell! Excellent Reception .
City Centre-Nyamitanga, on Isingiro Road at Nyamitanga Technical Institude Sell! Excellent Reception .
City Centre-Nyamitanga Ward, on Kabale Road at TipTop Milk Factory Sell! Excellent Reception .
City Centre-Ruti, on Kabale Road at Police Station & Palm Heights Sell! Excellent Reception .
City Centre-Ruti Trading Centre, on Kabale Road at Mbarara Institude for Social Dev. Sell! Excellent Reception .
Mwizi Village, at Friends Medical Clinic Sell! Excellent Reception .
Katukuru Village, at Star Junior School Sell! Excellent Reception .
Kutano Village, on Kabale Road centre of village Sell! Excellent Reception .
Kumunana Village/Kakama 1, on Kabale Road at Rwanpara Hotel Sell, Good Reception Area
Kisoro Trading Centre, on Kabale Road at Banana Market Sell! Excellent Reception .
Rugando Centre, on Kabale Road at Holy Spirit Health Church Sell! Excellent Reception .
Kinoni Town, on Kabale Road at Kinoni Girls Secondary School Very Poor Reception, don't encourage sale!
Kinoni Town, on Kabale Road at Kinoni High School Dometries  Test with Gotenna for signal before sell. 
Kinoni Town, on Kabale Road at Bright Primary School Rwanpara  Test with Gotenna for signal before sell. 
City Centre-Kasanyalaze new Village Sell! Excellent Reception .
City Centre-Taso, at Wilbert Pharmacy behind Hospital Sell! Excellent Reception .
City Centre-River Rwizi,  down in Ditch at River Rwizi Resthouse Corner Sell! Excellent Reception .
City Centre-Kakoba, on Kakoba Road at Maanji Memorial Academy Sell! Excellent Reception .
City Centre-Kakoba, on Kakoba Road at Save Care Medical Clinic Sell! Excellent Reception .
City Centre- Kakoba, on Kasengenge Buieba Road at J&J Sunset View Hotel Sell! Excellent Reception .
City Centre-Bishop Stuart University, at Entrance to University Sell! Very Good Reception Area.
City Centre-Kakoba, at Ultimate Hostels Sell! Excellent Reception .
City Centre-Kakoba, at Kakoba Moslem Primary School Sell! Excellent Reception .
City Centre-Ruharo, on Kasese Road at Ruharo Muslim Primary School Sell! Excellent Reception .
Naro Farm, on Kasese Road at Entrance to Naro Research & Development Institude Sell! Excellent Reception .
Mile Nya, on Kasese & Ibanda Junction at PetroCity Sell! Excellent Reception .
Rwentojo Village, on Ibanda Road at Rwentojo Primary School Sell! Excellent Reception .
Bwizibwera Town, on Ibanda Road at Kashari Dairy Farmers Co-operation Sell! Very Good Reception Area.
Bwizibwera Town, on Ibanda Road at PetroCity Sell! Very Good Reception Area.
Bwizibwera Town, on Ibanda Road at Kashaari County Head Quarters Sell! Excellent Reception .
Kashaka Centre, on Kasese Road at St. Paul Kashaka Parish & Police Station Sell! Excellent Reception .
Kashaka Centre, on Kasese Road at Gas Energy Filling Station Sell! Excellent Reception .
Kabhowe Centre, on Kasese Road at Anglican Church of Uganda Junction Sell! Excellent Reception .
Kabhowe Town, on Kasese Road at Uganda Police  Test with Gotenna for signal before sell. 
Kabhowe Town, on Kasese Road at Pride Micro Finanace  Test with Gotenna for signal before sell. 
Kabhowe Town, on Kasese Road at Sheema Shopping Arcade Sell! Excellent Reception .
Kabhowe Town, on Kasese Road at Art Clinic & One Stop Diagnostic Centre Sell! Excellent Reception .
Nyabufumula Village, on Kasese Road at Greater Bushenyi Coffee Hub  Test with Gotenna for signal before sell. 
Rwentuha Centre, on Kasese Road at Mushanga Sacco Sell, Good Reception Area
Kitwe Village, on Kasese Road at Aunt Anna Model Primary School  Test with Gotenna for signal before sell. 
Bushenyi Town, on Kasese Road at Western Meridian Hotel Very Poor Reception, don't encourage sale!
Bushenyi Town, on Kasese Road at Pride Micro Finance Very Poor Reception, don't encourage sale!

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