Current Mobile Money Charges

mobile money charges

Package Price MTN AIRTEL
GOtv Lite 14000 1000 1000
GOtv Value 19000 1600 1600
GOtv Plus 31000 2100 2000
GOtv Max 45000 2100 2000
GOtv Supa 58000 2800 2650
GOtv Lite 3 33000 2100 2000
GOtv Lite 12 89000 3700 3500
Package Price MTN AIRTEL
Lumba 15000 1000 1000
Access 39000 2100 2000
Family 59000 2800 2650
Compact 95000 3700 3500
Compact Plus 150000 4150 3950
Premium 255000 5300 5050
Asian Bouquet 132000 4150 3950
Premium + Asia 277000 5300 5050
French Touch 27500 1600 1600
French Plus 136000 4150 3950
Premium + French 391000 5300 5050
HDPVR / Extra view  46000 2800 2650

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