Lira Village

TX site @ Lira Town Village

A) City Centre & Suburbs- Between Akokoro & Gulu Road (SW to W) 
Aduku Road Stage, on Akokoro & Soroto Road Junction Sell! Excellent Reception .
Adyel Area, on Kampala Road in Ditch Sell! Excellent Reception .
Amuca Area, on Gulu Road at Entrance to Town Sell! Excellent Reception .
Amuca Area, on Gulu Road at River Crossing Sell! Excellent Reception .
Anai Area, on Akokoro Road at Anai Primary School Sell! Excellent Reception .
Anai Ober Area, at backend in Ditch & at Stream  Sell! Excellent Reception .
Ayere Village, at Lira University College Main Campus Entrance Sell! Excellent Reception .
Jinja Camp Area, on Juba Road at St. Jude's Catholic Church Entrance Sell! Excellent Reception .
Kakoge B Area, at Stream Sell! Excellent Reception .
Kakoge B Area, on Juba Road at Main Junction Sell! Excellent Reception .
Life Line Church Area, on Junction to Kampala Road Sell! Excellent Reception .
Ober Area, down at Stream Sell! Excellent Reception .
Obote Avenue, on Akokoro Road Junction Sell! Excellent Reception .
Odokomit Area, at Gulu & Juba Road Round About Sell! Excellent Reception .
Ojwina Area, at Brother Konrad Technical Training School Junction Sell! Excellent Reception .
Rainbow Area, on Aduku Road at Seven Day Adventist Primary School Sell! Excellent Reception .
Suk-Atat Area, on Ojwina Road Junction Sell! Excellent Reception .
B) City Centre & Suburbs - Between Gulu & Kitgem Road (W to N)
Adyel Area, at St. Peter's Catholic Church Junction Sell! Excellent Reception .
Corner Works, on Kitgem & Alio Junction Sell! Excellent Reception .
Kirombe East, at I C U Nursery School Sell! Excellent Reception .
Kirombe North, at St. Michaels C O U Sell! Excellent Reception .
Odokomit Area, Anywato Nino Village off Gulu Road behind Suites 291 Hotel Sell! Excellent Reception .
Omito Parish Village, at Entrance to Lango College and Sports Grounds Sell! Excellent Reception .
Omito Parish Village, at far back Sell! Excellent Reception .
Te-Lella Village, at Omito Parish Junction Sell! Excellent Reception .
Teso-Bar Area, on Kitgem Road at Lira Modern Primary School Sell! Excellent Reception .
C) City Centre & Suburbs - Between Kitgem & Aloi Road (N to E)
Akia Area, on Aloi Road at Entrance to DJRA Comprehensive Secondary School Sell! Excellent Reception .
Ayugo Village, in centre at Junction Sell! Excellent Reception .
Industrial Area, at Entrance to Mukwano Factory Sell! Excellent Reception .
Industrial Area, at Entrance to Tip Top Bakery/Factory Sell! Excellent Reception .
Labour Line, on Aloi Road at Holy Trinity Catholic Chapel - Railway A Sell! Excellent Reception .
Lira Barracks Area, on Aloi Roadat Entrance to Lira Airstrip Sell! Excellent Reception .
Railway Station Area, at Railway Quarters  Sell! Excellent Reception .
D) City Centre & Suburbs - Between Aloi & Boroboro Road (E to SE)
Adeko-Kwok Area, on Boroboro Road at Sub-County Sell! Excellent Reception .
Bar-Opuu Area, on Boroboro Road at St. Paul C O U Sell! Excellent Reception .
Erute Prison Area, at Junction to New Military Barracks Sell! Excellent Reception .
Erute Prison Area, at St. Philips Catholic Parish Sell! Excellent Reception .
E) City Centre & Suburbs - Between Boroboro & Soroti Road (SE to S)
Angwetahgwet Area, on Soroti Road at St. Anrew's Church C O U Sell! Excellent Reception .
Doglom Area, on Boroboro & Ireda Road Junction Sell! Excellent Reception .
Gweng-Abara Area, on Soroti Road at Linda Primary School Sell! Excellent Reception .
Ireda Parish Area, on Lubumba Road at PLC Ireda Junction Sell! Excellent Reception .
Lumumba Centre, on Lumumba & Soroti Junction Sell! Excellent Reception .
Russian Quarters Area, on Kyoga Road at PAG Health Unit Sell! Excellent Reception .
Senior Quarters Area, on Ireda Road at Entrance to Lira Hotel Sell! Excellent Reception .
Senior Quarters Area, on Ireda Road at Junction Sell! Excellent Reception .
F) West of Lira - Along Gulu Road
Apii Village, at Apii Primary School Entrance Sell! Excellent Reception .
Aboke Centre, on Gulu Road in centre Sell! Very Good Reception Area.
Alidi Village, at Alidi Primary School                                                                      (32Km from TX) Sell! Excellent Reception .
Amwa Village, at Amwa Health Centre II                                                             (60Km from TX) Very Poor Reception, don't encourage sale!
Ayer Corner Park Village, on Gulu Road at Junction Sell, Good Reception Area
Corner Aboke Vilage, at Main Junction and Boda Boda Stage                     (25Km from TX) Sell! Excellent Reception .
Corner Atapara Village, on Main Road Very Poor Reception, don't encourage sale!
Iceme-Oyam Town, on Gulu Road in centre  Test with Gotenna for signal before sell. 
Kamdini Town, at Micro Wave Towers                                                                  (64Km from TX) Very Poor Reception, don't encourage sale!
Loro Centre, on Main Road Very Poor Reception, don't encourage sale!
G) North of Lira - Along Kitgem Road & North of Okoli River
Agweng Centre, at Town Board Office                                                                  (28Km from TX) Very Poor Reception, don't encourage sale!
Aler Trading Centre, on Main Junction Sell! Excellent Reception .
Ngeta Centre, on Kitgem Road at Comboni College & Ngeta Campus Junction Sell! Excellent Reception .
Ngeter Area, on Kitgem & Katido Road Junction Sell! Excellent Reception .
Ogur Trading Centre, on Main Junction (2m agl) Sell! Very Good Reception Area.
Ogur Trading Centre, on Main Junction (3m agl) Sell! Very Good Reception Area.
H) East of Lira - Along Aloi Road
Akia Area, at Junction to Akia Primary School Sell! Excellent Reception .
Alebtong Centre, at Alebtong Primary School Junction Very Poor Reception, don't encourage sale!
Aloi Town, at Corner Aloi & on Round About  Test with Gotenna for signal before sell. 
Aloi Town, at Fatima Aloi Area and Fatima Aloi Primary School Entrance Sell! Very Good Reception Area.
Barr Village, at St Paul C O U Sell! Excellent Reception .
Ober Parish Village, at Comprehensive Secondary School Entrance Sell! Excellent Reception .
I) South East of Lira - Along Boroboro Road
Borororo Centre, at C O U All Saints Diocesan Offices Sell! Excellent Reception .
J) South of Lira - Along Soroto Road
Boroboro Area, on Soroto Road at Gapco Filling Station Sell! Excellent Reception .
Abutoadi Village, at centre of village on main road Sell! Very Good Reception Area.
Adok Parish Village, at National Water & Sewarage Corporation Sell! Excellent Reception .
Adwoki Centre, at Entrance to centre and at junction to The Technical Institude Sell! Very Good Reception Area.
Agwata Town, at Soroto Road Round About Sell! Very Good Reception Area.
Agwata Town, at Town Round About Sell! Very Good Reception Area.
Amach Centre, at local market Sell! Excellent Reception .
Amuda Village, at Amuda Primary School  Test with Gotenna for signal before sell. 
Corner Amach Centre, on Soroto Road at Main Junction/Round About  Test with Gotenna for signal before sell. 
Dokolo Town,  on Soroto Road and at Central Nursery & Primary School Sell! Very Good Reception Area.
Dokolo Town, on Round About at entrance to Dokolo Hospital  Test with Gotenna for signal before sell. 
Wiodyek Village, at village market Sell! Excellent Reception .
K) South West of Lira - Along Akokoro Road
Aduku Town, at back end of town at Goat Market Very Poor Reception, don't encourage sale!
Aduku Town, at town Round About                                                                       (31Km from TX) Sell! Very Good Reception Area.
Agwiciri Village, at Police Post Sell! Excellent Reception .
Akalo Trading Centre, at Round About Sell! Excellent Reception .

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