DStv Soft reboot and Hard reboot procedure

dstv decoder soft reboot and hard reboot procedure

Soft Reboot Procedure

Think of performing these step if:

? Your Decoder picture is frozen or hanging

? Your TV screen is blank and does not respond to remote or front control panel commands. Also when Decoder is displaying all the correct information, but there is no picture on the screen

? the info bar is displayed on the TV screen when changing channels on decoder but no picture on the screen

? if there is no sound on certain of decoder services

How to perform a soft reboot procedure on the bellow decoder models


Press & hold V+ & P- simultaneously for 5seconds then release

Dual View

Press & hold Menu & down Arrow simultaneously for 5 seconds then release


Press & hold the Reset button on the front panel for 5 seconds then release


Press and hold Standby button and then release

Hard Reboot Procedure

###Please note that a hard reboot procedure can only be done as a last resort in the event that the soft reboot does not resolve the issue at hand for example

? The TV screen is blank and does not respond to remote or front control panel commands

?The decoder is displaying all the correct information, but there is no picture on the screen

? As above, plus the info bar is displayed on the TV screen when changing channels on decoder

? The decoder is hanging/frozen

? There is no sound on certain of decoder services

Ok here is the procedure and works on dstv decoders with smartcards

  1. Unplug power
  2. Remove/Unscrew LNB cable
  3. Remove Smartcard
  4. Wait 10 seconds
  5. Screw LNB cable back
  6. Insert smart card
  7. 7. Plug power in

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